4nim4l j4m:MomazosFour4444
so the blog thing now is here!!!! i will try to figure out how to make this page better since i "finished" the princip4l webp4ge i didnt touch it 4nymore so i lost h4lf of my motiv4tion 4nd noob coding 4knownledge 4 bit but now im b4ck!!!(im lying) 4ctu4lly in the princip4l website i tried to put 4 lot of cool things but they never worked so i w4s stressing out 4 lot with it 4nd with th4t theres more of re4sons i 4b4ndoned it y2cb2eybcybeyvy i dont know how to write english 4nd my little brother is e4ting 4lcohol gel right now 4nyw4ys !!!! im not sure wh4t i will blog here but its cool 44nd 4nyw4ys my f4mily its c4lling me 4utistic 4nd my d4d just g4ve me 500 pesos goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
listening to:super psycho love by simon curtis !!!! i know this isnt 4ligned but i got l4zy so l4ter